Saturday, February 6, 2010

shoulder rehab/recovery

what does this picture have to do with a complete rotator cuff tear?.........

.the surgeon who repaired my right shoulder 2 weeks ago lifted my SKIL 100 during an office visit and said i wouldn't be using THAT anymore, too heavy for the amount of damage i had (bummer) i'm in the process of tuning/tweaking/lightening these hitachis (green planers) in the months off i'm having to take.

i'm REALLY going to miss using what has become an extension of my right arm ....anyone out there have some advice for lightening a SKIL 100?


hodiomd said...

go switcharm!!?? let me know if you need a hand with anything around the neighborhood. garbage, lawn, etc... I just picked up two good surf films, modern collective and donovan frankenreiter's sounds of music, you can grab em' for a bit to kill an hour or two!!

burn1nat0r said...

Have to tried posting to swaylocks for some lightening techniques. Not sure if many people have tried because I know most of the people love the weight. But I am sure someone has tried to shed a few pounds from their skil.